Still working...



***City of Drega***
They weren’t joking when they told me, the best views over the city are from top of the Science tower building. I must be about one hundred meters high, a harsh wind is blowing, rustling my hair and I pull the hood of my sweater over my head for more comfort.
A spaceship flies past in the distance, likely heading toward Delphi’s military airbase.
Who would have thought I end up here, millions of light years away from home? After more than eighteen months, I still don’t completely belong, and I wonder if I ever will.
But Drega is growing on me. I’m safe.
Unlike back in my home city, there’s no war here, no destruction, no deadly creatures. Most of the buildings are actually intact, people live in units or houses and not in ruins. You can get every luxury item you could imagine; that is if you’re able to afford it.
I take a deep breath and inhale the cool spring air; let my eyes linger on the night sky one more time before I force my gaze away and make my way to the ventilation shaft that runs in a vertical line through the heart of this building. I must have been crazy to agree to this. Abseiling fifty meters into a metal walled tube is not really what I had in mind for a Saturday night.
But I’m the only one who can do it. I’m the only one who’s vision is adapted to the dark…
****by MAYA CALDEN****
Artist: Sylvain Sarrailh
Instagram: sylvainsarrailh
Source: tohad.artstation.com

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