Still working...

I’ve been talking a lot about inspiration I get from art and I thought I do something different today and write my thoughts down for you. Here is the scene that came into my mind when I looked at this beautiful artwork by Gary Inloes.


I’ll never get used to the smell. Heavy fumes and smog tickle my throat with every breath I take. Skyscrapers loom over the streets, blocking the beams of a distant sun never to be seen.
I almost belong, but not quite. This is not the city I was born in; hell, it’s not even the same goddamn planet. After all these months, people still seem to look at me with suspicion, as if they can look right through my disguise. I try to blend in and I’m failing. But maybe that’s just me being paranoid.
I let my eyes wander.
A space shuttle above decreases speed to prepare for landing. Below,  people go about their business, buzzing past like a never ending human train. My gaze travels over their faces, takes in the masks they’re wearing for protection against the unavoidable pollution.
Have you ever tried judging a person’s expression only by their eyes? Trust me, it’s difficult.

A feeling of being watched makes me turn around. And there he is, looking right at me.  I guess it doesn’t  take a genius to figure out who I am; and more importantly… what I am. He knows, I’m sure of it.

His hood pulled deep into his face, he changes direction and starts walking towards me.
My gaze scans the street for a way out as his dark stare bores into me. Not leaving me out of his sight, he quickens his pace.

I should face him; and I should do it right here, right now. But instead, I swivel around and I run.


ARTIST: Gary Inloes ( @gary_inloes )
SOURCE: http://garyinloes.com/

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